How I Cleared My Skin | The Three Goods in Detail


Acne - the word alone still brings stress and tension to my entire being. It’s been apart of my life for almost half of my existence. I have allowed it to become the main source of my depression and anxiety. On numerous occasions I’ve given into my insecurities and societal expectations, while permitting it to hold me in isolation. I’ve avoided beautiful conversations because of my inability to look people in the eye with confidence. Many times I hid under make up because of the shame I felt for not being able to control this skin condition. But most importantly, through all the negative - it has been the main driving force behind my passion for skin care, and full spectrum healing.

I get numerous messages daily asking, “what skin care products should I use to cure my acne?” If I really didn’t care about individuals, and only cared about making money; I would just respond with a list of PurpL & Prosper product recommendations and go on with my day. However, that is not what my purpose on this earth entails. There are thousands of acne triggers, and it takes diligence and time to understand what your unique trigger may be. - It could be something off in your diet, or a supplement you’re putting into your body (Eat Good). It may be something off emotionally, mentally or spiritually (Feel Good). Lastly, maybe your current skin care regime isn’t suiting your skin’s needs and needs a boost (Clean Good).

Below you’ll read about and learn how I recently healed this year long severe inflammatory skin condition by implementing, “The Three Goods”.

(Please note: I am not a licensed medical professional. The information following is based on the trial and error of my own experience. I leave my suggestions with hopes of healing others, but I cannot guarantee that what works for me will also work for you.)

Eat Good

I took on the practice of conscious eating. Before taking a bite of food, I thank it for nourishing and healing my body, mind, soul, spirit, skin, gut and overall health. I take conscious breaths before, during and after my meals to allow the nourishment to really take place. There is no more beating myself up if I indulge in something on the decadent side. There was a time I was so hard on myself when it came to my diet. This stress causes a spike in cortisol, and disrupts healthy digestion. Please do not allow acne to cause an overlooked eating disorder. See below for what I eliminated, or ate less of - and foods I ate more of.


  • Eggs - One of my biggest acne triggers! Anthony William, The Medical Medium once called eggs the most inflammatory food you can put into your body. After two years of veganism/plant based eating, I started eating an egg every morning for a few months. My skin was covered in papules, pustules and cyst. The correlation didn’t hit me for awhile - not until listening to a Medical Medium podcast. Within a week of eliminating eggs, the acne started to subside.

  • Dairy - Another extremely inflammatory food that causes a spike in the hormone IGF-1. This hormone is known to cause an overproduction of sebum, therefore causing clogged pores. Sometimes a little dairy sneaks in when I go out to eat, but I keep it very minimal.

  • Gluten - I noticed within the past couple years that foods containing gluten cause major gut disruption and bloating. As we know, the gut is connected to the skin. Eliminated!

  • Supplements - I eliminated every supplement I experimented with to rid of my acne, then narrowed it down to the two that were effective for my body chemistry (you’ll learn about the winning two, below). For several years I was willing to be a guinea pig and experiment with any herb or mineral that claimed to be effective for skin conditions. This trial and error put so much strain on my liver - and possibly desensitized my skin. 9 times out of 10 I would experience an adverse effect when using new supplements. My tenacity was relentless lol… Start very slowly when trying anything new, internally. Just because it’s natural, and it miraculously cured someone else, doesn’t mean it may work for you.

Hormone Balancing/Acne Eliminating Foods

  • Greens - Greens are life force. I include them with every meal. I add spinach or kale to my smoothies in the morning; and eat a side of sauteed kale, brussel sprouts or broccoli with lunch and dinner. These phyto-nutrients are crucial for our overall being. I notice how lackluster I feel and look when I skimp out on my daily dose.

  • Sweet Potato - Filled with vitamin A, B & C - critical vitamins for healthy skin. Sweet potato is also high in fiber, anti-inflammatory and has been known to help balance hormones.

  • Brazil Nuts - 3-4 brazil nuts provide my daily dose of selenium. Also rich in magnesium, copper and zine. They’re also known to help ease menstrual pain with their anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Carrots - One raw carrot a day helps eliminate excess estrogen in your body. My estrogen dominance was causing breakouts and menstrual issues. Carrots carry a special fiber that attaches itself to excess estrogen - then gently eliminates it. It is also high in skin boosting beta-carotene.

  • Flaxseed Meal - I pour half a tablespoon in my smoothies every morning. Another anti-inflammatory superfood - and it provides omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidant power, and fiber.

  • Tons of purified water (from my ProPur Water Filter) - 3 liters a day to be more specific.

  • DIM - A supplement essentially used to balance hormones. It’s a compound of cruciferous vegetables - and works wonderfully for women displaying estrogen dominance (Check with your doctor to see if this is you). It works wonderfully to metabolize estrogen and testosterone; and helps with liver support.

  • Spearmint Tea - Drinking this holy grail twice a day has changed my world. Not only was I displaying signs of estrogen dominance (menstrual issues, bloating, fatigue, PMS, insomnia and foggy brain); I was also exhibiting high androgen symptoms like breakouts, facial hair, aggression and possible PCOS. Spearmint tea is known to help lower testosterone levels. I’m a believer. My acne has completely subsided…along with my facial hair.

  • L-Lysine - This is an amino acid that our body does not readily produce. It is known to boost collagen and smooth the texture of skin. I have done so much research on L-lysine and have not found a clear hypothesis for why it has healed so many people’s acne - I just know that it works! I add a spoonful to my smoothies, daily.

  • Chamomile extract - After so much trial and error to ease my anxiety, using well known adaptogen’s and cbd oils - I was more anxious than ever. Everything I tried made me feel more alarmed and edgy. Chamomile extract in my water a couple times a day has helped rid of the tightness in my gut, so I can breath and live more peacefully. Stress = acne.

Feel Good

It’s wild that as a society we are just starting to realize that our mental state controls so much of how our body functions. I needed to learn to lovingly respond to my breakouts, as opposed to reacting angrily to them. Once you start showing the universe you’re calm and comfortable with who you are, you will start healing. This is my favorite form of manifesting, by far!

Stress coping techniques that I diligently implement:

  • Herbal tea in the morning, afternoon and evening (spearmint tea & green tea).

  • Magnesium in the evening before bed.

  • Chamomile extract one full dropper in a liter of water twice a day.

  • Silent meditation upon rising for at least 10 minutes.

  • Hot/cold shower - When taking a regular hot shower, my last step is usually washing my body, then rinsing. I started implementing cold water for this last portion of my shower. It has a plethora of benefits like boosting immunity, strengthening stress response, great for skin and hair, improves circulation, and helps to ease depression (I guess because you feel alive and alert AF when doing it, it’s hard to feel sad? IDK lol).

  • Work out classes. Exercising in general helps to alleviate stress and depression; however, being around a tribe of encouragement is my jam and raises my vibration even higher.

  • Allowing my friends to hype me up rather than deflecting, and acting like my skin or myself as a whole isn’t good enough unless it’s perfect. If your friends or co-workers tell you you look great, or your skin is improving, give them a big smile and say, “thank you!”.

  • There are a few instagram profiles who inspired me to love the skin I’m in. Their honesty, positivity and belief in naturally healing their own skin inspired me to continue on my journey. (@myfacestory, @estie_bestie_, @Prettyprogress23)

Clean Good

My current skin care routine is as follows:


  1. Cleanse with the Cleanzyme Oil, massaging my skin for a 2 full minutes. Remove with a warm, wet towel.

  2. Spritz the Healing Crystal Toner to balance the skin’s pH after cleansing.

  3. Mix a dime size amount of Millcreek Aloe vera gel with 3 drops of the Calm Complexion Serum in palms. Apply to skin using the press and release technique, instead of rubbing the product in.


  1. Pre-cleanse with the Cleanzyme Oil, massaging my skin for a 2 full minutes. Remove with a warm, wet towel.

  2. Follow with Alba Botanicals AcneDote cleanser.

  3. Every other night - I apply diluted Apple Cider vinegar to skin with a cotton ball.

  4. Spritz the Healing Crystal Toner to re-nourish, and balance the skin’s pH.

  5. Mix a dime size amount of Millcreek Aloe vera gel with 3 drops of the Calm Complexion Serum in palms. Apply to skin using the press and release technique, instead of rubbing the product in.

  6. Spot treat with unMask(Clarity). To avoid product transfer on pillows, coat the spot treatment with a sritz of the Healing Crystal toner. (unMask(Clarity) does not contain water, so it does not dry on your skin. The liquid from the spritz of the Healing Crystal toner helps it to dry, and adhere to the skin.


  • unMask(Clarity) - mask 2 to 3 times a week to detox, purify pores and prevent acne breakouts.

  • unMask(Calm) - mask/scrub 2 to 3 times a week to gently exfoliate, and remove dead skin cells.